QHY695A QHY90A QHY16200A QHY09000A, “A” Series CCD camera. “A” stands for “ALL-IN-ONE”. The camera includes a built-in motor driven filter wheel and natively supports the QHYOAG while consuming a minimum of back focus.
Comet 62P and NGC 4411
(IOTD 08/24/2024)
Imaging Camera QHY268M
Total Integration 61h20'
Telescope: Sky-Watcher Esprit 100ED
Mount: Astro-Physics 900GTO
Frames: Antlia Blue 36 mm: 121×300″(10h 5′)
Antlia Green 36 mm: 126×300″(10h 30′)
Antlia Luminance 36 mm: 353×300″(29h 25′)
Antlia Red 36 mm: 136×300″(11h 20′)
Original image: https://www.astrobin.com/pcdsqs/