SDK DEMO and Sample Project

SDK Manual and Demo Program   SDK API Manual SDK API introduction, including the use of common functions and some simple sample code. Download: SDK Demo C# Demo It is for Windows platforms and can be compiled with VS2022. Basic Live The program has a display interface and can realize the basic continuous shooting functions. In continuous shooting mode, the program continuously acquires image

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QHYCCD SDK User Manual

BASIC Working Flow Single Image Capture Mode: *** First function you have to call after load SDK *** InitQHYCCDResource();***Find  device before open*** ScanQHYCCD(); GetQHYCCDId(0,id); camhandle = OpenQHYCCD(id); **** do these before InitQHYCCD  (you can Only set them ONCE after open) *** GetQHYCCDNumberOfReadModes(camhandle, numModes); // Use GetQHYCCDReadModeName if you need more detail SetQHYCCDReadMode(camhandle, modeNumber); SetQHYCCDStreamMode(camhandle,0); InitQHYCCD(camhandle); SetQHYCCDBitsMode(camhandle,16);*** do these before exposure (You can reset them anytime

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How to calculate system gain, readout noise and full well capacity?

Connect the camera to the lens and take two flat field pictures inside the shadowless lampshade. Try to ensure that the brightness of the two pictures is uniform and consistent, and it is recommended to use 1/3 or 1/2 of the saturation value. Here we can give these two photos any name, such as A1 and A2.   Open the MAXIm DL software, use the

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Firmware Upgrade Instructions (for 20220824 version and above)

QHYCCD Firmware Upgrade Instructions V1.2 (for 20220824 version and above)   1 Upgrade Procedure NOTE: 1 During the upgrade process, be careful not to power off or shoot. 2 Before upgrading, if you have previously kept an older version of the firmware upgrade tool locally, please discard it and use the new firmware update tool (20220824 version) instead.       1.1. Use the USB3.0 cable to

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User Manual of 32bit Image Data(for QHY600,QHY268,QHY411, QHY461)

SDK version 2021.7.6 later supports the 32bit image data accquirement function. This function is useful for the 16bit cmos like QHY600,QHY268,QHY411, QHY461. When 2*2,3*3,4*4 binning the data range will become 18bit, 19bit and 20bit. Since it exceed the 16bit range, we add the 32bit data transfer function for these cameras. How to get to know the camera support 32bit image? The IsQHYCCDControlAvailable(qhyccd_handle *handle, CONTROL_ID controlId)

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User Manual of Humidity Pressure Sensor Function

See the cloud document here Some QHYCCD Camera has humidity sensor , pressure sensor in the cmos/ccd chamber to return the current humidity value and pressure value. This document will introduce the APIs for these function. How to know if supported Before you call the temperature API. You need to use the IsQHYCCDControlAvailable API to check if the camera supports it. If QHYCCD_SUCCESS returned,

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User Manual of Filter Wheel APIs

See the cloud document of this article at In this document We suppose the filter position is from 1 to N. For example. the QHYCFW3S-7(1.25inch) filter has 7 posiiton. The position is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 . For QHYCFW2 and QHYCFW3, the filter posiiton is marked on the disk. 1. Get to know if there is the Filter wheel connected on the QHYCFW port uint32_t ret; ret

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User Manual of ReadMode API

See this article in cloud document here In order to multipe readout mode , like the HDR mode, and the hardware Binning Mode. From the Version 2019.2.15 and later, The QHYCCD add the ReadMode APIs. Because the mode change will change the whole define of the basic image X, Y. And the memeory allocate. To compatiable with all exist software which use the QHYCCD

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User Manual of Temperature Control API in QHYCCD SDK

See the cloud document of this article on There is two basic control mode for temperature control. One is the Auto Mode. Another is Manual Mode. Manual Mode Camera is not working in auto temperature regular. Just set a PWM value of the TEC controller in camera. The PWM range is 0-255. 0 is minumum TEC power. 255 is maxium TEC power. Please note

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The SkyX Software Plug-in of QHYCCD SDK

RPI3 Linux MacOS QHYCCD SDK TheSkyX Plug-in Installation 1、Decompression SDK package(tar zxvf package name). 2、Enter the decompressed directory, install and execute the command(sudo sh ./,uninstall and  execute the command(sudo  sh ./ 3、Enter the directory / usr / local / cameraplugins, and replace the new plug-in libqhyccdx2plugin and interface layout qhyccd.ui with the old plug-in libqhyccdx2plugin and interface layout qhyccd.ui in the installation directory. Windows QHYCCD SDK TheSkyX Plug-in

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How To Compile EZCAP_Qt In Your Linux Device

1.Install CMAKE $ sudo apt-get install cmake $ cmake –version If you can get the version with “cmake –version” command,it is successful to install. 2.Install libusb-1.0 library $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-* 3.Install OpenCV library $ wget wget $ unzip $ cd opencv-3.4.3 $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -D BUILD_PYTHON_SUPPORT=ON .. $ make $ sudo make install

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How to Use Debugview to Debug Programs Using QHYCCD.DLL

In WINDOWS application development, QHYCCD provides a real-time output through DEBUGVIEW software in order to facilitate developers to call QHYCCD SDK to write their own programs, verify the parameters of incoming and outgoing SDKs, and verify that the calling steps are correct. The method of debugging information. In the QHYCCD SDK development package, there is a directory called SDK with output debug information output. If

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C# wrapper Under C#, you need to call the QHYCCD API from qhyccd.dll by dynamic api calling, by using the DllImport. The following wrapper code is taken from our C# project for QHYCCD ASCOM Driver. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using StructModel; namespace ASCOM.QHYCCD {     class libqhyccd     {         [DllImport(“qhyccd.dll”, EntryPoint = “InitQHYCCDResource”,

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