Ron: “I am working to master the art of astrophotography, shooting galaxies, nebulae, star clusters and more. I’ve used just about every digital camera and telescope design. My images are processed with PixInsight and have been published in print and online, used as CD cover art and beer labels. “The Leo Trio – M65, M66 and NGC 3628, with QHY16200AM33, Triangulum Galaxy, with QHY 16200A NGC457-1hr-RGB-Dec-2018-webNGC 5907, the Splinter Galaxy, with QHY16200AM5-8hr42m-LRGB-June-2019-webM3-12hr10m-LRGB-May-2019-webThe Crescent and Soap Bubble NebulaeM27-25hr-HaO3LRGB-August-2018-webM27-25hr-HaO3LRGB-August-2018-web Whale and Hockey Stick GalaxiesNGC7000_88x10m OSC July 2019 webM81-M82-7hr15m-LHaRGB-Feb-2017
Comet 62P and NGC 4411
(IOTD 08/24/2024)
Imaging Camera QHY268M
Total Integration 61h20'
Telescope: Sky-Watcher Esprit 100ED
Mount: Astro-Physics 900GTO
Frames: Antlia Blue 36 mm: 121×300″(10h 5′)
Antlia Green 36 mm: 126×300″(10h 30′)
Antlia Luminance 36 mm: 353×300″(29h 25′)
Antlia Red 36 mm: 136×300″(11h 20′)
Original image: