Tudor Chibacu is an astrophotographer from Kingston Ontario, Canada. He has captured many wonderful Astro images with QHY cameras, such as below.
QHY268m, CFW3 and Antlia HARGB
8” ONTC 1000mm f5 from Teleskop Service
Sky-Watcher EQ6-R
TS GPU 2” Coma Corrector
Artesky M48 360′ Rotator
Deep.Sky.Dad Autofocuser v3
Pegasus power box
50mm Guide scope and ASI120mm
Exposure time: Halpha 55x5min
Red 54x90sec
Green 42x60sec
Blue 30x60sec【Cocoon HARGB】
Bortle 7, Kingston Ontario
QHY268m, CFW3 and Antlia HARGB
8” ONTC 1000mm f5 from Teleskop Service
Sky-Watcher EQ6-R
TS GPU 2” Coma Corrector
Artesky M48 360′ Rotator
Deep.Sky.Dad Autofocuser v3
Pegasus power box
50mm Guide scope and ASI120mm
Exposure time: 150 x 5min Halpha
130 x 90sec Red
189 x 60sec Blue
192x 60sec Green【M51 Galaxy】Around the 21hrs mark with the QHY268c and 8” ONTC. No filter
【A Spiral and Lenticular walk into a bar】, QHY268C&QHY268M, Bortle 7+ with my trusty ONTC 8” Newt.
【The Rosette Nebula HOO】QHY163m and 8” ONTC,About 10hours total exposure
【Glowing dust in Orion-M78】410x90sec exposures,QHY268c + 8” ONTC
【An Ode to Gamma Cassiopeiae】5x3min halpha with the 268m and somewhere over 5hours with the 268c