5mm M54-M54 Threads Adapter

Price* USD8

Starting from June 2023, we have included the 5mm M54-M54 Threads Adapter as part of the Combo B1/C1. This enhancement aims to provide our valued customers with a more comprehensive solution. Furthermore, we now offer the 5mm M54-M54 Threads Adapter as a separate item for those who have already purchased the QHY268M/QHY600M-PH SBFL and require this specific adapter. Rest assured that the pricing for the adapter has been set fairly to accommodate your needs.

By incorporating the 5mm M54-M54 Threads Adapter, the new Combo B1/C1 offers enhanced flexibility, allowing you to achieve multiple output specifications. Depending on your requirements, you can choose between 55/56mm back focal length (BFL) with M48/M54 threads. The 55mm M48/M54 threads are ideal for standard flatteners and multiple-purpose coma correctors (MPCC), while the 56mm M54 threads are commonly used for Takahashi reflectors.

*Price shall be slightly different among countries and regions;  Shipment expenses, customs or other taxes not included.